
The Details

Acton Family Giving is a donor advised fund (DAF) created in 2014 and held at Fidelity Charitable.


The Actons are committed to giving a minimum of 5% yearly across all of their philanthropic entities, including both foundations and donor advised funds.

The Acton Family Giving donor advised fund has a balance of approximately $397M, with an annual grants budget of $16M. This is intentionally below a 5% payout target, allowing us runway to bring on new initiatives as we continue to learn and grow in the coming years. During this time, our sister entities are giving above their 5% target to ensure that we are fulfilling our philanthropic commitment.

Why a DAF?

We picked a donor advised fund (DAF) to allow flexibility in our work and make it possible to maintain a low expense ratio and keep our focus on grantmaking. This is because our DAF provider, Fidelity Charitable, manages all compliance (IRS filings, governance, reporting, etc.). Find out more about DAFs here.